In April Sam and Cat was put on hiatus after numerous reports that there was some serious behind the scenes drama between the two co-stars. We now learn that Sam and Cat has been officially cancelled with Episode 36 #Getting Wiggy being the last episode in the series. Sam and Cat never got to complete their initial 40 episode season 1 order. Fans of both actresses and the show itself both hoped that the shows stars would put their differences aside and find a way to work together. But it was not to be, and in the end the network decide to cancel its top rated series, from proven hit maker Dan Schneider. Nick is in production on the new comedy series from Schneider, called Henry Danger which has received a 20-episode 1st season order.
(RECAP AND REVIEW) THE FOSTERS EPISODE 7 "THE FALLOUT" NETWORK: ABC FAMILY ORIGINAL AIR DATE: JULY 15th 2013 SPECIAL GUESTS: Mary Mouser as Sarah, Alex Saxon as Wyatt, Norma Maldonado as Karina Sanchez, Alexandra Barreto as Ana Gutierrez, Bianca Santos as Lexie Rivera Justina Machado as Sofia Rivera, Carlos Sanz as E...
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