(RECAP AND REVIEW) THE FOSTERS EPISODE 7 "THE FALLOUT" NETWORK: ABC FAMILY ORIGINAL AIR DATE: JULY 15th 2013 SPECIAL GUESTS: Mary Mouser as Sarah, Alex Saxon as Wyatt, Norma Maldonado as Karina Sanchez, Alexandra Barreto as Ana Gutierrez, Bianca Santos as Lexie Rivera Justina Machado as Sofia Rivera, Carlos Sanz as Ernesto Rivera, Gavin Macintosh as Connor, Anne Winters as Kelsey, Brandon Jones as Liam Olmstead SYNOPSIS: Tension between Jesus and Mariana erupts in a big feud. Meanwhile, Lexi's parents attempt to keep her away from Jesus; Callie tells Brandon about a difficult memory from her past; and Jude tries to impress a new friend from school.
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